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Retail Store Hours:

 Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am - 1:00pm. Click here for store updates.

Nursery Location:  Volcano, HI (Hawai'i Island aka Big Island) 

Customer Service & Chat:

Sunday - Thursday from 9:00am - 3:30pm. (HST)  Closed on major holidays.

The Dendrobium genus is vast. With over 1000+ subtypes, there’s a lot to know about these group of orchids. Dendrobiums are abundant in Hawaii as the most common type is used for making lei. But there’s so much more to this genus of orchids. This care page is dedicated to the different Dendrobium species we grow at our nursery. Please click on the images and links below for more detailed information.

Dendrobium Care Sheets

dendrobium-cs.jpg brunette-dendrobium.jpg dendrobium-nobile.jpg den-phal-cs.jpg

Specific Dendrobium Species

den.-amethystoglossum-cs.jpg den.-anosmum-cs.jpg den.-capituliflorum-cs.jpg den.-chrysotoxum.jpg
den.-hekouense-cs.jpg den.-jenkinsii-cs.jpg den.-kingianum.jpg den.-peguanum.jpg
den.-secundum-cs.jpg den.-smilliae-cs.jpg den.-tobaense-cs.jpg den.-victoria-reginae-cs.jpg