Shipped plants
Our chocolate orchid arrived within two days in perfect shape perfect condition smelling fine we visited your place while on vacation and we ordered it so much in love with i your place and the nice people there
Retail Store Hours:
Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am - 1:00pm. Click here for store updates.
Nursery Location: Volcano, HI (Hawai'i Island aka Big Island)
Customer Service & Chat:
Sunday - Thursday from 9:00am - 3:30pm. (HST) Closed on major holidays.
Our chocolate orchid arrived within two days in perfect shape perfect condition smelling fine we visited your place while on vacation and we ordered it so much in love with i your place and the nice people there
Large double spiked plant with nice juicy bulbs arrived in perfect condition in the dead of winter in the NE. Here’s hoping I can keep it as nice as I got it!