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IT'S ORCHID SHOW WEEK!  Our physical store will be CLOSED on Wed, July 24.  Click here for more details.

Retail Store Hour:

Visit us in Volcano on Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am-1:00pm. Closed on major holidays.


Posted by Kamaile on Mar 21st 2023

Sooty mold is a collective term for different Ascomycete fungi that affects various plants including orchids. By itself, this black, soot-like coating on leaves is not a direct threat and does little if any harm to the plant. The fungus itself merely blocks sunlight, and very rarely may stunt a plant's growth and cause foliage to yellow.Sooty mold is primarily a cosmetic problem in most gardens and plant collections.Treatment is necessary when th… Read more

Posted by Kamaile on Feb 21st 2023

Just imagine, months have passed since you've enjoyed the flowers from your first orchid and you begin to see new growths. That burst of joy and excitement tends to come with the question: “Is it a spike or a root?!”So, as a new grower you ask, how can you tell the difference between a spike and a growth? What characteristics should you look for?The answer basically comes down to the shape and location.Orchid SpikesWe cannot argue that some of ou… Read more

Posted by Kamaile & Corinne on Jan 4th 2023

Discoloration on any part of our orchids can be concerning, especially when it is seen on the plant structure of our Cattleyas!  But before we jump to any negative conclusions, we want to be sure to rule out the common occurrence of shedding old sheaths most commonly found on orchids that produce pseudobulbs (like Cattleyas).  We also created a video about this topic as an additional visual aid.   What are she… Read more